Translation: Because you come to me with naught save love, and hold my hand and liff mine eyes above.
Translation: Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad. Hold to God's Unchanging Hand. Home on the Range. House Of The Rising Sun.
Translation: You can have this dance with me. You can hold my hand and whisper in my ear sweet words. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: If anybody'd told me that anybody'd have a hold on me, I'd say they were out of their mind. Plan. Chords.
Translation: The sweet things you do to me like holding my hand when I'm low,. Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice. MN0137257.
Translation: Another One Bites the Dust. Call Me. Candle in the Wind. Call Me. Take A Look At Me Now.
Translation: The Tracks Of My Tears. Shake Me, Wake Me. Somebody's Watching Me. Dancing In The Street.
Translation: I've Been Working On The Railroad. She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain. The Drunken Sailor. Blow the Man Down.
Translation: - Hand In Hand With Jesus - Hark, The Herald Angels Sing - Have Thine Own Way, Lord.
Translation: - He's The Savior Of My Soul - Hear Our Prayer, O Lord - Heav. 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. Abide with Me.
Translation: Bring Back The Springtime. Come And See Me. Don't Look For Me Down Here. Each Step Of The Way.
Translation: Happiness Is The Lord. He Grew The Tree. He Is The Bread oF Life.
Translation: Somebody Touched Me. Walking on the Water. Bring Me Out Of Desert. God Bless The U.S.A. He Speaks To Me.
Translation: Take A Look At Me Now. Piano sheet music. For Piano.
Translation: Every Promise In The Book Is Mine. God's Choir In The Sky. Happiness Is The Lord. He Did It All For Me.
Translation: He Holds the Future Medley. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow. The Love of God. IĆ¢ll Meet You in the Morning.
Translation: Country . Between Here And The Sunset. Born To Praise The Lord. Can The World See Jesus In You.
Translation: Sweet Caroline. Lean On Me. Sweet Caroline. Various. Flute sheet music.