Translation: The theme of the text is one of mission and social justice. I am sent from God. Michael Burkhardt. Voice sheet music.
Translation: The God Who Sends Us Forth - Instrument composed by John Foley, SJ. For string bass, handbells. Percussion sheet music.
Translation: Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today. Send The Light. The Banner Of The Cross. Piano Solo sheet music.
Translation: The piece may be performed simply with congregation and accompaniment or may be done in a more festive manner. Handbell sheet music.
Translation: Receiving the Word. Receiving the Word. Build the Body of the Lord. Send Your Spirit, Lord.
Translation: This setting of Richard Bruxvoort Colligans tune GREEN TYLER reflects the Celtic roots of the tune and text.
Translation: Lightly syncopated rhythms, blues harmonies and a gospel bass line at the end will make this a crowd pleaser. Mark Hayes.
Translation: This clever arrangement of "Children, Go Where I Send Thee" is presented as a dialogue between an adult soloist and children's choir.
Translation: 9, this energetic song for gathering or sending for this sure to involve every voice in the church. Sacred Anthem. Eighth.
Translation: This choral classic has been judiciously reduced from eight parts to a practical voicing for the parish choir. For SATB choir.
Translation: Creative choral writing fills the piece with harmonies and interesting melodic lines between vocal parts. Choir sheet music.
Translation: There’s a call comes ringing o’er the restless wave, send the light send the light. Solero. Easy Guitar.
Translation: "The lyrics of this song express our thankful response to the Bible promise given in John 3. Sharon Wilson.
Translation: After Adam and Eve sinned, we see the first promise of a coming Savior. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music.
Translation: Be Merciful, O Lord HAUGEN - Go and Listen to the Word of God BATASTINI - Eat This Bread BERTHIER - Celtic Alleluia O'CARROLL.
Translation: Christmas music beautifully arranged in C position for the elementary student. Children, Go Where I Send Thee.
Translation: The attractive middle section will send the performers. Intermediate. Joyous Sound composed by Robert D. Vandall.
Translation: Send a heartbeat to the void that cries through you Is it bright where you are. Have the people changed. Billy Corgan.