Translation: , are the basis for this hypnotic lullaby of repeated and recombined pentatonic patterns. composed by Annea Lockwood.
Translation: composed by Janet Gardner. For Choral. 2-Part. Shawnee Press. Choral.
Translation: Ever wonder what it was like on that first Christmas night. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go.
Translation: The original changes time signature every bar. Firstly, it is written entirely in the mode known as Phrygian.
Translation: The story behind this hymn is very well known. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. Advanced.
Translation: It has only one key change, from D to E, and makes good use of both the upper and lower range. Flute sheet music.
Translation: 3-Part Mixed Choir. Sacred.
Translation: Canzonette three. The third may be the world's only love song declaring envy of a flea--including hopping rhythms.
Translation: Arranged For You. This title is on the 2011-2012-2013 National Federation of Music Clubs list. Advanced.
Translation: Accompaniments range from easy and supportive of the melody, frequently doubling the singer, to more divergent.
Translation: This song is one of 25 original songs by Sharon Wilson in a collection titled “Sing the Songs of Christmas.
Translation: Part of a compilation of British Isle and American folk songs or folk-like songs arranged for beginning singers. Welsh Folk Song.
Translation: Initially, the lyrics started, "I'm Holly, like I want to be. like Holly on a tree back home.
Translation: Ever wonder what it was like on that first Christmas night. to reduce page turns for the accompanist.
Translation: The rhythmic motif is developed and all the winds get into the action before the final chorus. Beginning.
Translation: Outstanding educational opportunities and a huge standard in the jazz repertoire. For jazz band.
Translation: The piece flows along gradually building up to climax in the 5th verse.