Translation: Rape keys.
Translation: Traditional. Choir orchestra. Joris van der Herten. High. Bass. Double Bass.
Translation: Joris van der Herten. Plan. Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass.
Translation: Large mixed together. Organ. Plan. Voice.
Translation: Large mixed together. Bassoon. Clarinet in A. Contrabass. Horn in F.
Translation: 1840-1893. String quartet. Mikio Kamada, Ph.D.. Violet. Cello.
Translation: Prayer to the Guardian Angels. Years of Pilgrimage III, S.163. No.1. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Liszt, Franz.
Translation: The prayer of a virgin, Op.4.
Translation: Duo gloss on the Otello prayer, Op.13.
Translation: Holy Mary Mother of God is a beautiful prayer written by Pope Benedict XVI as a conclusion to his Encyclical Deus Amor est. Language.
Translation: "This anthem was made at the entreaty of Doctor Maxie, Dean of Windsor, the same day sennight before his death. English.
Translation: The Lord's Prayer - violin obbligato composed by B. Cecil Gates. Extra. Medium Easy. Instrumental accompaniment parts.