Translation: Small. Strings.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Later Elementary Level. Composed by Dorothy Wade. For Piano. Keyboard. Willis.
Translation: Earth angel, earth angel, will you be mine, my darling, dear, love you all the time. Melody. Chords. Voice, range. C4-D5.
Translation: Bass Clef Instrument, range. Trombone. Bassoon. Baritone Horn.
Translation: MN0145459. Does not contain lyrics. Compatible. Earth Angel. Bb Major.
Translation: D4-E5. Trumpet,. Soprano Saxophone,. Tenor Saxophone or. Clarinet. MN0145458.
Translation: MN0145455. Does not contain lyrics. Compatible. Earth Angel. Eb Major.
Translation: A4-B5. Alto Saxophone or. Baritone Saxophone. MN0145457. Does not contain lyrics. Compatible.
Translation: Violin,. Oboe,. Flute or. Recorder. MN0145453.