Translation: A beautiful, tranquil setting which offers a fresh look at the wonderful Old English Prayer from the Sarum Primer.
Translation: There is no rose of such virtue is an anonymous mediaeval text, already well known through beautiful settings by Britten.
Translation: Restore the fun of camp singing next time you gather a group around the fire. Down By The Riverside.
Translation: Why do the nations so furiously. Worthy Is The Lamb. LIFT UP UR HEADS YE MIGHTY GATES. Oratory, 1741.
Translation: No. 15 And the Angel Said Unto Them. No. 16 And Suddenly There was with the Angel. No. 22 Behold the Lamb of God.
Translation: No. 4 And the Glory of the Lord. No. 11 The People That Walked in Darkness. No. 15 And the Angel Said Unto Them.
Translation: When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. From All That Dwell Below The Skies. Jesus Calls Us O'er The Tumult.
Translation: Why do the nations so furiously. Worthy is the Lamb. LIFT UP UR HEADS YE MIGHTY GATES. George Frideric Handel.
Translation: For Piano Solo. Collection. Published by Jackman Music Corporation. JK.01704. 60 Hymn Arrangements in continuous medley.
Translation: Thus saith the Lord. But who may abide the day of his coming. But who may abide the day of his coming.
Translation: Приключения Орган. All Things Bright and Beautiful. Am I A Soldier Of The Cross. Are You Washed In The Blood.