Translation: The words are based on a 16th century British Library manuscript. If ordering more than 10 copies, please call us on 44.
Translation: In a style akin to folk ballad, lyrical with a hint of melancholy, both singers and listeners will be drawn in. Piano Accompaniment.
Translation: The rose and the lily, the dove, sun agleaming, I once loved them dearly. Robert Schumann. Inc..
Translation: Sheet Music by Robert Schumann. Robert Schumann. Heinrich Heine. Novato Music Press. Voice. Plan.
Translation: Six Songs, op. Sheet Music by Robert Franz. Heinrich Heine. Novato Music Press. Voice.
Translation: Lullaby, and goodnight, with roses be delight with lilies o'er the spread is baby's bed. Legacy Edition.
Translation: Lily Rose Beatrice Allen. I wanna be rich and I want lots of money,. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Composed in 2012, the two pieces in Sadie Harrison’s Heartoutbursts. Sheet Music.