Translation: Selections. Ravenscroft, Thomas.
Translation: God is my king BWV 71. Am I on the world. Aria with chorale. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: God is my king BWV 71. Am I on the world. No.2. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Simphonies for the King Dinner.
Translation: Simphonies for the King Dinner. Albanian. Septième Suitte. Great Royal Room. Lalande, Michel Richard de.
Translation: The King of Lahore. For Piano only. Massenet, Jules.
Translation: Tribute to the KING LEOPOLD I OF BELGIUM. Main sheet music.
Translation: Tribute to the KING LEOPOLD I OF BELGIUM. or organ. Main sheet music.
Translation: Violins I, II. Full Scores - Overture. German. English. Full Scores - Act II.
Translation: The Troubadour. The daughter of the regiment. If I were king. The postilion Lonjumeau.