Translation: Tenor recorder 2.
Translation: Hustle and bustle. Aria "The soul rests in the hands of Jesus". Lord Jesus Christ, true 'man and God, BWV 127.
Translation: Jesus took unto him the twelve, BWV 22. Hustle and bustle. For Piano only. Choir. Ertödt 'us through your' goodness.
Translation: The trip to China. Hustle and bustle.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Solero. English.
Translation: At the recording sessions for his album 'Disco Baby'. For fanfare band. Arrangements of Modern Light Music. Summer Concert.
Translation: At the recording sessions for his album 'Disco Baby'. For concert band. Arrangements of Modern Light Music. Summer Concert.
Translation: All the laughter and the singing, wondering what Santa's bringing, fun, fun, fun. On December Five and Twenty.
Translation: composed by Greg Gilpin. For TB choir, descant, piano. Secular Christmas.
Translation: composed by Greg Gilpin. For unison choir and piano. Sing Out Series.