Translation: Smoke on the Water. Baritone T.C. 03745360. Smoke On The Water.
Translation: Country . He Calls The Stars By Name. He Knows Just What I Need. He's As Close As The Mention Of His Name.
Translation: Includes Bohemian Rhapsody, Don't Stand So Close to Me, Money and more. Don't Fear The Reaper.
Translation: Country . All That I Am. As Far As The Heart Can See. Between Here And The Sunset. Boundless Love.
Translation: Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. Joy To The World. Take Me To The River. I Don't Know. All I Wanna Do.
Translation: Don't Fear The Reaper. Smoke On The Water. Time Of Your Life. The Joker. Bye Bye Love.
Translation: An amazing collection of 200 lyrics from some of the most popular Contemporary Christian songs of all time.
Translation: The Women of R. The Women of R. 37 songs from the top women in R. Baby Love.
Translation: At The Foot Of The Cross. Beyond The Sunset. Blest Be The Tie That Binds. The Cherry Tree Carol.
Translation: and dozens of others. Ain't Too Proud To Beg. The Climb. Stand By Me. If I Can't Have You.
Translation: No guitarist should be without this comprehensive collection of Christmas classics. A Baby in the Cradle.
Translation: More difficult note reading with ledger lines above and below the staff. Angels from the Realms of Glory.
Translation: The same can be said for songs. Of course, the notes are only half the story.