Translation: Now, for the first time ever, John Denver's lyrics have been printed in their entirety. The Children Of Bethlehem.
Translation: The author shares a wealth of melodies collected over the past 10 years, the majority learned by ear at Irish sessions.
Translation: The Next Gig composed by Andy Clark. All The Blues That's Fit To Print. C Instrument sheet music. Organ sheet music. Book .
Translation: Paddy's Rambles Through the Park. Coach Road to Sligo. Gravel Walks. Over the Moor to Maggie.
Translation: The Little Beggarman. Paddy On The Railroad. The Boys Of Blue Hill. Haste to the Wedding.
Translation: The ultimate collection of over 1,000 folksongs perfect for performers, school teachers, and hobbyists. All Through the Night.
Translation: Contains nearly 500 jigs, reels, rags, and hornpipes from all the major fiddling traditions. After The Battle Of Aughrim.
Translation: Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.
Translation: The Weathered Old Caboose Behind The Train. The Railroad Days. We're Living In The Future.
Translation: Some of the stellar players whose work appears here are. Behind the Bush in the Garden - jig.
Translation: Gravel Road Blues. Stefan Grossman. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Oak Anthology of Blues Guitar.
Translation: Keep on the Sunny Side. The Long Black Veil. The Wreck of the Old '97. I Saw The Light.
Translation: For the first time in one volume, over 325 songs drawn from every period in the unique career of the master songwriter.
Translation: Tell Me Where You Stay Last Night and Rocks and Gravel Makes a Solid Road. DVD.
Translation: The collection features information about solfege, form, phrase, length, range, rhythmic construction, and more.