Translation: The young Phoenix then takes flight and sings its glorious song to the sun for another five hundred years.
Translation: Bell Doth Toll, The. Birch Tree, The. Cuckoo, The. Ev'ning Still. Great Bells of Oesney, The.
Translation: Be Still, for the Presence of the Lord. How Lovely on the Mountains. I Give You All the Honour.
Translation: Most people know the tunes to hundreds of songs, but know the words to only a few. The Activity Room.
Translation: Includes melody lines, lyrics and chord symbols for 200 songs recorded by the King of Rock N' Roll. Crying in the Chapel.
Translation: Let The Lower Lights Be Burning. Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know. Nothing But The Blood.
Translation: Trade. The discs also include biographical and analytical information from Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians , 1911 Edition.
Translation: His Eye Is on the Sparrow. I Saw the Light. In the Garden. Fit the Battle of Jericho. Near the Cross.
Translation: If you like to sing with friends, this is the book you've always wanted. The Activity Room. After the Ball is Over.
Translation: This comprehensive book is a facsimile edition of the original collection published in 1883. Rose Of The Valley Reel.
Translation: Behold The Lamb. Beyond The Sunset. Bless The Name Of Jesus. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power.
Translation: Jesus Loves the Little Children. America The Beautiful. Go Tell It On the Mountain. I'm In The Lord's Army.
Translation: Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody.
Translation: is the revolutionary series of masterworks on CD- or DVD-ROM that transforms a PC or MAC computer into a virtual music library.