Translation: Divine praise music, Book 3. Canzon with Tremolo The Grimaneta. Riccio, Giovanni Battista.
Translation: Continuous. Divine praise music, Book 3. The Canzon Finetta.
Translation: Divine praise music, Book 3. The Canzon Finetta.
Translation: This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long. Fanny Crosby. Alfred Publishing Co.. English. Solero.
Translation: enjoyed enormous success in Germany and Italy, where he was known as the divine Bohemian. PF. 1737-1781.
Translation: The editions include solo parts in C, Bb, Eb and F, which can be played by violin, flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet and horn in F..
Translation: Praise and Thanks. Divine Service. Funeral Service. Sheet Music. Organ, B Flat Instruments, C Instruments. ORG. B FLAT INST.