Translation: Violet.
Translation: Although some excellent professional recordings of the work exist, the scoring presents insuperable problems to most choirs.
Translation: Lyrics.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. Right-Hand Melody.
Translation: This is the rehearsal track for "'Deal With The Devil" which is featured in "Bearskin. the musical.
Translation: Featured in the musical ""Bearskin"" which can be found on this site. Electric Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music. Advanced.
Translation: This is the accompaniment track for "'Deal With The Devil" which is featured in "Bearskin. the musical.
Translation: View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Piano sheet music.
Translation: For any musician playing popular music, this is the definitive guide to winning a recording contract. Softcover.