Translation: SMAL CELLO CONSERT. TUTI. CELLOM PART. cello. violin I.
Translation: Third Air. Above, Haute-cons, Size, Straight and Low. The Bourgeois Gentleman, LWV 43.
Translation: Second Air. Above, Haute-cons, Size, Straight and Low. The Bourgeois Gentleman, LWV 43.
Translation: Gian Carlo Menotti. Voice sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Voice and Piano. Composed by Gian Carlo Menotti. For Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Voice and Piano. Composed by Gian Carlo Menotti.
Translation: Booklet. For Vocal. Opera. 56 pages. Г. Ширмер.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Composed by Gian Carlo Menotti. 1911-. For Piano, Vocal.
Translation: i is Magda's emotional and moving Aria from the Musical Drama the Consul by Gian-Carol Menotti. To This We've Come.
Translation: Gian Carlo Menotti.
Translation: 'The Consul' was a phenomenally successfull opera dealing with 20th century issues. The Libretto. Booklet. Book.
Translation: Fisherman. Konetzni. Waechter. Bauer-Theussl.
Translation: Listening CDs make a great educational supplement - hear exceptional professionals play the music you're learning. 1911-.
Translation: Intermediate. Vocal Score. Composed by Gian Carlo Menotti. 1911-. For Piano, Vocal. Score.
Translation: The Consul is a powerful and thought-provoking musical drama in three acts, by Gian-Carlo Menotti. OPERA.
Translation: Edwin McLean's Music Crossword Puzzles and Games composed by Edwin Mclean. Music Related Texts. Beginner to Advanced. Puzzle book.