Translation: RESTORATION. Choir. Mary Rose Jensen.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: PER VOCI solisti E BANDA. Marching Band. Ioannis Kalaitzidis Publisher. FULL SCORE. TERZETTO BANDA - VOCI. ALTO SAX. TERZETTO BAND-ITEMS.
Translation: FLUTE 2.
Translation: The Confession.
Translation: The confession.
Translation: Your word let me confess, GWV 1163. Graupner, Christoph.
Translation: Concerto in amajor 'The Turkish and Confession' - Parts. 25 Concertos Comedy. Correct, Michel.
Translation: Let us hold fast the confession, GWV 1103.
Translation: "The frank confession". "Tarantella sincere". for Voice and Piano. V. Crescenzi.
Translation: "The frank confession". "Tarantella sincere". V. Crescenzi.
Translation: Bryd one Brere is an honest confession of undying love. from the poet to a bird in a tree. Anonymous. A cappella. Language.
Translation: Words by Isaac Watts, Horae Lyricae , 1707, Confession and Pardon. S.M.D. Language. English.