Translation: two-part songs, including COLORING BOOK, COWBOY BLUES, and COMPLIMENTARY, are upbeat and easily learned. Beginning.
Translation: This approach to learning integrates, from the very beginning, chord playing with note reading. Down in the Valley.
Translation: These are typical comments on the effectiveness of William Bay's Guitar Class Method. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands.
Translation: Mastering the Guitar is an innovative, exciting way to learn the guitar. Star of the County Down.
Translation: Several of the tunes include accompaniment chords, and others are duets for teacher and student. Andy The Dandy.
Translation: Mastering the Guitar is an innovative, exciting way to learn the guitar. The South Wind.
Translation: Mastering the Guitar is an innovative, exciting way to learn the guitar. Bending The Blues.
Translation: who also co-produced and appeared in the DVD.
Translation: Yes, love has colorful wings. , Outside the Wall of Seville. , Here in the canyon. That I look at the Knight.
Translation: The Schopfung "Well beut 'the hallway". , The Seasons "What refreshment for the senses".