Translation: "Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary" for Wind. "Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary" for Wind. Winds.
Translation: Cover, Title Page . Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, SV 206.
Translation: Sonata on the "Sancta Maria ora pro nobis", SV 206. Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, SV 206. Monteverdi, Claudio.
Translation: Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, SV 206.
Translation: Offertory for the Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin. III. Twelve Organ Pieces. Lemmens, Jacques-Nicolas.
Translation: By German fugue - The Mesme with voice ports. Book dedicated music to the Blessed Virgin. Part Two.
Translation: All citizens of Chastres. Book dedicated music to the Blessed Virgin. Part Two.
Translation: Christmas for the love of Mary. Book dedicated music to the Blessed Virgin. Part Two.
Translation: You who want endless. Book dedicated music to the Blessed Virgin. Part Two.
Translation: Sing, pray, Christmas. Book dedicated music to the Blessed Virgin. Part Two.
Translation: Let your paistre beasts. Book dedicated music to the Blessed Virgin. Part Two.
Translation: Where go the gay shepherds. Book dedicated music to the Blessed Virgin. Part Two.
Translation: Book dedicated music to the Blessed Virgin. Part Two.