Translation: - Amazing Grace - America The Beautiful - Ancient Of Days - And Can I Be That I Shoul Gain.
Translation: - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth. Everybody Sing Praise To The Lord. The Lord Is King.
Translation: How Sweet The Sound - Amen - America, The Beautiful - America, The Heritage - And Can It Be That I Should Gain.
Translation: Let The Lower Lights Be Burning. Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know. God Be With You Till We Meet Again.
Translation: Trade. The discs also include biographical and analytical information from Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians , 1911 Edition.
Translation: The Piano Treasury of Hymns is designed to be the cornerstone of your personal music library.
Translation: The Praise . Open the Eyes of My Heart. Shout to the Lord. The Herald Angels Sing. Find Me In The River.
Translation: Come, Now Is the Time to Worship. The Heart of Worship. Open the Eyes of My Heart. Shout to the Lord.
Translation: Featuring lyrics and chords only, the fake book includes CCLI's top 100 songs from more than 30 different publishers.
Translation: Spirit Of The Living God. Praise The Name Of Jesus. We Trust In The Name Of The Lord Our God.