Translation: HIGH.
Translation: Snare Drum, Bass Drum. Trumpet 1 in Bb. Trumpet 2 in Bb. anon arr. David Stephen Powell. Large mixed together.
Translation: French Horn. Trombone.
Translation: For practical reasons, it may also be performed without the brass choir. brass choir. Sacred , Cantata. Language.
Translation: The given markings for tempo are approximate and may be adjusted to suit the performance acoustics. Charles H. Giffen. A cappella.
Translation: The Tenor part can easily be sung by basses. Sacred , Motet. Language. SSATB.
Translation: and the soprano and bass of this tune were both published in George Wither's The Hymnes and Songs of the Church. A cappella.
Translation: Salve Regina 4. A cappella. Sacred , Antiphon. Language. Latin. SATB.
Translation: Philip Law. A cappella.
Translation: Death is swallowed up in victory. The gamba part could be carried by a viola if necessary. Matthias Weckmann. String ensemble.
Translation: Awake, the voice is calling us. violoncello , double bass, harpsichord. Original text and translations may be found at.
Translation: If in doubt, see the Cassola edition on cpdl to identify the appropriate sections. A cappella.
Translation: parts are quite high, so might be better to sing it transposed down to F Major, if there are low basses in the choir.
Translation: Recitative for Bass. Recitative for Bass. The People that Walked in Darkness.