Translation: Language. English.
Translation: It'll take ten thousand ducats of Kammeherr. Mer hahn en new Oberkeet, BWV 212. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: old.
Translation: Some say it rained I've never seen ten thousand angels cry. Plan. Solero. Stillness filled the heavens on crucifixion day.
Translation: Solero. Organ Solo.
Translation: English. Legacy. Bass Tab..
Translation: English. Legacy. Guitar Tab. Vocal.
Translation: - Digital Guitar Tab. Vocal. Guitar Tab. Guitar TAB. Strum, range. D3-G3. Voice, range.
Translation: He could have called ten thousand angels. Plan. Voice, range. MN0101131_U1. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: He could have called ten thousand angels. Plan. Voice, range. MN0101131_D2. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: He could have called ten thousand angels. Plan. Voice, range. C # 4-E5. MN0101131_U5. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: He could have called ten thousand angels. Plan. Voice, range. MN0101131_U6. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: He could have called ten thousand angels. Plan. Voice, range. MN0101131_U8. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: He could have called ten thousand angels. Plan. Voice, range. MN0101131. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: He could have called ten thousand angels. Plan. Voice, range. MN0101131_U3. Contains complete lyrics.