Translation: Sonata in G minor, composed by Georg Philipp Telemann. Edited by Max Seiffert. For oboe, basso continuo. This edition.
Translation: after the E minor Sonata TWV 42. Composed by Georg Philipp Telemann. Flute sheet music. Piano and Keyboard sheet music. e11.
Translation: Faithful Music Master. Sonate h-moll TWV 41. Piano and Keyboard sheet music. Soprano Recorder sheet music.
Translation: Sonatas and SPIELSTUECKE from Faithful Music Master for Melodiein- instrument. Sonata A minor TWV 41.
Translation: Violinsonate in g. Until now only two violin sonatas with continuo by Johann Georg Pisendel were known. Johann Georg Pisendel.
Translation: Four new Sonatas. Four new Sonatas. Four new Sonatas Sonatas in G 34. Sonata in G, TWV 41.
Translation: Christmas chamber music. 7 Trio sets of JS Bach, Goldberg, Pergolesi, Telemann and GJ Werner. G.Ph. Telemann.
Translation: Corellisierende Sonatas for 2 Violins. Corellisierende Sonatas for 2 Violins. Composed by Georg Philipp Telemann.
Translation: Concertos and sonatas. Concertos and sonatas. Six concerts and six sonatas for single or multiple Streicherbesetgzung.