Translation: Quartet, TWV 43. Telemann, Georg Philipp. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Quartet, TWV 43. Telemann, Georg Philipp. Final. II. Vivace. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Quartet, TWV 43.
Translation: Quartet, TWV 43. Telemann, Georg Philipp. II. Vivace. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: D1 composed by Georg Philipp Telemann. Cello sheet music. Flute sheet music. Piano and Keyboard sheet music.
Translation: Composed by Georg Philipp Telemann. For 2 flutes, treble recorder. Alto Recorder sheet music. Flute sheet music.
Translation: Composed by Georg Philipp Telemann. Edited by Johann Philipp Hinnenthal. TWV 43.