Translation: Early Rock 'N' Roll. Various. Early Rock 'N' Roll.
Translation: Black Denim Trousers And Motorcycle Boots. Black Velvet. Just Walking In The Rain. Come In From The Rain.
Translation: Teen Angel. Various. Guitar sheet music. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.
Translation: Bass Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate. Bass Tab White Pages by Various. For Bass. Hal Leonard Bass Recorded Versions.
Translation: Smells Like Teen Spirit. Smoky Mountain Rain. Guitar sheet music. Guitar Chord Songbook White Pages by Various. For Guitar.
Translation: Come Rain Or Come Shine. Kentucky Rain. Marie. Mary's Little Boy Child. Soon It's Gonna Rain.
Translation: In A Black Dress. Rock Fake Book - In C. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music.
Translation: Come Rain Or Come Shine. Just Walking In The Rain. Kentucky Rain. Proud Mary. Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Translation: The Bells Of St. Mary's. Come Rain Or Come Shine. Kentucky Rain. Soon It's Gonna Rain.
Translation: Gentle Rain. Just Walking In The Rain. Marie. Proud Mary. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Teen Angel.