Translation: Hymn of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. Quiroz Alcantara, Mario.
Translation: Voice keyboard. Plan.
Translation: Large mixed together. Bass Guitar 1 with TAB. Bass Guitar 2 with TAB. Harmony 1. C instruments. Harmony 1 Eb. Harmony 1.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Chants for mixed chorus. Chants Liturgy.
Translation: "Herma" symbolic piece for piano. I. Xenakis.
Translation: "Symbols of Bach's music". V. Nosina.
Translation: This setting appears on p529 of Thomas Clark 's collection The Congregational Harmonist , no. tunes not previously published.
Translation: This setting appears on p529 of Thomas Clark's collection The Congregational Harmonist , no.
Translation: This setting appears on p528 of Thomas Clark 's collection The Congregational Harmonist , no.
Translation: SATB.
Translation: Secular, Song. Language. SST. The musical form of Je ne puis vivre is that of a Bergerette, or Virelai of one stanza. ABBAA.
Translation: Crucifixus , for four solo voices, is based on a motif in chromatic descent that Monteverdi used as a symbolic expression of pain.
Translation: Recorder. Lewis, Alastair.
Translation: plan. Only instrument plan.