Translation: G. Sviridov, Choirs for mixed choir a-capella:.
Translation: G. Sviridov, "Concert in memory of AA Yurlova" for mixed choir a-capella:.
Translation: G. Sviridov, choruses 6, 7 and 8 from the concert choir "Pushkin's Wreath", for mixed chorus a capella:.
Translation: G. Sviridov, the words of F. Sologub, "Hymns to the Motherland" for mixed choir a-capella:.
Translation: G. Sviridov, "Three Miniatures" for mixed choir a-capella:.
Translation: G. Sviridov, No7, the Sun and the poet of the "Pathetic Oratorio" (for choir and piano), 1.759Mb..