Translation: Plan.
Translation: The piece will still work well with this small change. I hope you all enjoy the piece, and have a very merry Christmas.
Translation: If you try this piece and have any feedback for me, particularly about anything that seemed needlessly difficult, please let me know.
Translation: Language. Latin. SSATB.
Translation: Lyrics. --.
Translation: Digital Sheet Music. Lyrics. LC. --.
Translation: Crosby, Stills . Stills. Lyrics. --.
Translation: Crosby, Stills . Stills. Digital Sheet Music. Lyrics. LC. The Isley Brothers. --.
Translation: Crosby, Stills . Stills. Lyrics. Will Young. --.
Translation: Crosby, Stills .
Translation: Crosby, Stills . Stills. The Isley Brothers.