Translation: shape note notation and lyrics. shape note notation and lyrics. Come And Dine.
Translation: Come, Let Us Go. Come And Dine. I Shall Not Be Moved. Standing On The Promises. Softly And Tenderly.
Translation: With vocal melody, lyrics and chord names. and hundreds more. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. By And By.
Translation: they appear in alphabetical order within chapter groupings like lullabies, love songs, sea songs, and spirituals.
Translation: An unprecedented collection of popular lyrics that will appeal to all music fans. Bennie and the Jets. On And On.
Translation: With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and leadsheet notation. Let The Lower Lights Be Burning.
Translation: Pop, Standards and Pop Vocal. Lyric book. lyrics only. Pop, Standards and Pop Vocal. And So It Goes.
Translation: With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord chart. I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy.
Translation: Featuring lyrics, chord symbols, and guitar chord diagrams for hits across decades and genres, such as.
Translation: All Because Of God's Amazing Grace. All God's Children. Be Exalted, O God. Bless God. Draw Nigh To God.
Translation: The Praise . Vocal melody, lyrics and chord names. With vocal melody, lyrics and chord names.
Translation: Vocal melody, lyrics and chord names. With vocal melody, lyrics and chord names. Fire and Rain.
Translation: Lyrics, chord names and vocal melody. With lyrics, chord names and vocal melody.
Translation: With over 1,200 songs in all styles of music, this fourth edition has been updated to include even more great songs and recent hits.
Translation: Leadsheet notation and chord names. With leadsheet notation and chord names. Fire and Rain. Me and Bobby McGee.
Translation: With vocal melody, lyrics and chord names. Body and Soul. Love and Marriage. Night Moves.
Translation: Vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Cowboys And Clowns.