Translation: 6 German Songs, Op.101.
Translation: 6 German Songs, Op.103.
Translation: Clarinet Solo sheet music. Piano sheet music. For clarinet. plan. Text Language.
Translation: Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1784-1859. For voice and piano. with B-flat clarinet obligato. Language.
Translation: Six German Songs for voice, clarinet and piano, Op. 103 composed by Louis Spohr. The secret song. clarinet.
Translation: Ludwig Spohr. Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1784-1859. Voice, Strings and Piano. This edition.
Translation: MED VCE. CLT. PFC.
Translation: Plan. CHOIR.
Translation: Four-part songs for mixed choir. Four-part songs for mixed choir. Acht Kompositionen aus op. 120 und Werke ohne Opuszahl 87.
Translation: Six German Songs op. Six German Songs op. Louis Spohr Lied Edition Vol. 6. 1784-1859.
Translation: Songs. Songs. with piano accompaniment, 139tes work composed by Louis Spohr. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.
Translation: Songs for Low Voice. Songs for Low Voice. Six German Songs op. Louis Spohr Lied Edition Vol. 5.
Translation: Single Songs III. Louis Spohr Lied Edition Vol. 12. Piano sheet music. 1784-1859. For Voice, Piano, Horn.
Translation: Single Songs II. Louis Spohr Lied Edition Vol. 11. Piano sheet music. 1784-1859. For Voice, Piano, Horn.
Translation: German Lieder op. -Six German Songs with two-and vierhandiger Piano op. -Six German Songs with two-and vierhandiger Piano op.
Translation: In addition to symphonic works, string quartets, and other solo and chamber music, he composed operas, operettas, and songs.
Translation: Composed by Christian Heinrich Hohmann. For Violin. String Method.