Translation: Countertenor solo and ritornello, Strike the viol, touch the lute. Bass solo and chorus, The day that such a blessing gave.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Plan. Secular, Air. from Timon of Athens, The Man Hater.
Translation: Secular, Air. From Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian.
Translation: Secular, Air. Originally from the ode Welcome to all the Pleasures , this version of the song comes from Orpheus Britannicus.
Translation: Mixed together. 2 alto recorders. Secular, Air. Language. English. From Dioclesian, Act II.
Translation: Basso continuo realized for keyboard , guitar , or baroque guitar. Secular, Air. From the incidental music to The Libertine.
Translation: and basso continuo realized for keyboard , guitar , or baroque guitar. Secular, Air. From The Faerie Queen, Act V.
Translation: Solo Soprano. The Ecchoing Air a Triumph Sings. Secular, Air. Language. English.
Translation: Language. English. from Orpheus Britannicus.
Translation: 2 alto recorders. Secular, Air. From the ode, Yorkshire feast song.
Translation: Continuo with 2 top recorders. Secular, Air. Language. English. From the semi-opera, Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian.
Translation: From the Birthday Ode for Queen Mary. 1693. , Celebrate this festival.
Translation: Secular, Air. Language. English.
Translation: Mixed together. Secular, Air. from the prologue to The Indian Queen.
Translation: Secular, Air. NB.This appears not to be part of the 1687 Birthday Ode for King James II, as the pdf implies.
Translation: From the publication "Six Songs by Henry Purcell". Plan.
Translation: Plan. Secular , Art song. Language. English. Part of the incidental music for The Rival Sisters or The Violence of Love. 1695.