Translation: Plan. Language. Vavilov published this work anonymously in 1972. it was mistakenly ascribed to Giulio Caccini around 1987.
Translation: solo violin, strings and organ.
Translation: Only Soprano or Tenor. Language. Original text and translations. Original text and translations may be found at.
Translation: SATB with Choral soprano solo. there is also a full anthem setting. Samuel Webbe. Keyboard. Language.
Translation: Language.
Translation: Language. Originally written in 1887. with Ave Maria and Ave Maris Stella.
Translation: Basso continuo. Language.
Translation: Mottetti a Voce sola. 1684.
Translation: Adrian Neck. Plan. A setting for SSAA by Adrian Cuello is also available.
Translation: Language. #1 of 6 Acclamationi divote.
Translation: SATBB with Tenor. Only. Inscribed by the composer, "A Monsieur l'abbé J. Panis".