Translation: Piano for Rehearsal only.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Subside songs.
Translation: Secular , Partsong. Language. English. SATB. 1757-1827.
Translation: She said she'd been "wooed" by her husband sixty years ago, when she sold fish and frogs, and he sold hundred-year-old eggs.
Translation: Little is known of Nathaniel Patrick that isn't derived from the title-page of his one printed work. now lost.
Translation: Plan. Number 4 of Parry's "English Lyrics" - Set 3.
Translation: Matona my dear. suggesting the soldier wants to sing a song of bragging or puffery. A cappella. Secular , Madrigal. Italian. SATB.
Translation: Op. 123, No. 4.
Translation: Op. 8, No. 1.
Translation: Joel Jacklich. Cello. Violet. Violin I. Violin II.
Translation: for Voice. String quartet. Gerald Manning. Soprano. Violet. Violin I. Violin II. Cello.
Translation: for Soprano. String quartet. Gerald Manning. Violet. Violin I. Violin II. Cello.
Translation: Gilbert. for Voices. String quartet. Gerald Manning. Mezzo-soprano - PITTI - SING. Soprano-PEEP - BO. Soprano-YUM - YUM.
Translation: Novato Music Press. Solero. 1 Piano, 4 Hands.
Translation: Traditional. Novato Music Press. Solero. 1 Piano, 4 Hands.