Translation: School of Interpretation for the Violin, Op.16. Gigue for Solo Violin. Scores and Parts. Ševčík, Otakar.
Translation: Jig.
Translation: Piano score and Viola Parts. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: F. Rust. treatment for Viola and Piano V.Borisovskogo.
Translation: Only instrument plan. Plan. Violet.
Translation: Sonata for Viola and Piano composed by Friedrich Wilhelm Rust. Viola sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1739-1796.
Translation: Manuscript, D-B. Piano and Keyboard sheet music. Viola sheet music. Manuscript, D-B. 1739-1796. Edited by Alessandro Bares.
Translation: Viola sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Edited by Leonard Davis. For viola and piano. Published by International Music Company.
Translation: PFA.
Translation: Rust's fondness for the viola is noticeable even in this figurative richly appointed and bestucken with double handles Sonata.
Translation: Harp sheet music. Oboe sheet music. Piano sheet music. Violin sheet music. 1739-1796. Edited by Bernhard Pauler. For flute.