Translation: Orpheus struck the harp so fine. New teutsche secular Madrigalia and ballets.
Translation: So talhor. Co’l qual fine à V. S. ta bacio con ogni humilità i santissimi piedi, e prego felicità perpetua. Description.
Translation: Orpheus struck the harp so fine. from New teutsche secular Madrigalia and ballets. Hamburg 1619.
Translation: John Cavaccio.
Translation: Lyrics.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Solero. Guitar Tab. Vocal.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Singer Pro. Voice, range. G4-E5. Piano, range. F#2-A4.
Translation: The Chiffons - He's So Fine. - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Voice, range. G3-B4. MN0138160.