Translation: SATB.
Translation: English. SATB.
Translation: Ferrabosco Alfonso I. From Musica Transalpina.
Translation: Sacred , Anthem. Church Slavonic.
Translation: Sacred , Mass. STT. Transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr92. 3 vs.
Translation: f-g'.
Translation: The repetition signs mean that this Kyrie has to be sung throughout in polyphony, without alternation with the Gregorian melodies.
Translation: Glory. H. Beat. SAT. Transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr87.
Translation: A cappella. Sacred , Motet. Latin. SSATB. This is the 19th and last motet appearing in print. No later motets are known.
Translation: Italian. SATBB. Transcribed from the "First Book of Madrigals for five voices" - Gardano 1564. The numbers “3” are “proportio sesquialtera”.
Translation: The tenor part given consists of a series of notes and rests totalling 16 breves, followed by a repeat sign. as shown here.
Translation: Lyrics.
Translation: Music is the universal language, reaching all races and all ages. A Resource for Musicians.
Translation: composed by Sally K. Albrecht and Jay Althouse. Choir Sacred. 3-Part Mixed Choir. Choral Octavo.
Translation: Sally K. Albrecht. Choir sheet music. Seize the Moment composed by Sally K. Albrecht and Jay Althouse. Choir Secular. Choral Octavo.
Translation: With Text language. Tony Alonso S.J. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Choir sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.