Translation: Eagle.
Translation: CONCERTO NO. 2, OP. 102Study ScorePublisher. PF. ORCH. Boosey. Dmitri ShostakovichFor Piano and Orchestra104 pages.
Translation: Shostakovich was one of the most important twentieth century Russian composers.
Translation: Percussion sheet music. 1906-1975. Edited by Ulli Vogtmann. For Percussion. Percussion. Softcover.
Translation: Pocket or Study Score for Dmitri Shostakovich's Symphony No.14 Op.135.
Translation: Shostakovich’s fifteenth symphony differs substantially in many ways from his other late symphonies. ORCH.
Translation: Horn sheet music. 1906-1975. Edited by Klamand. For Horn. Orchestral Excerpts. Method book. Published by Zimmermann. PE.ZM33100.
Translation: Sikorski edition Study Score of Shostakovich's Symphony No.8 Op.65.
Translation: In 1946 Shostakovich, using his outline sketches,arranged the work for two pianos. Composed during the years 1935.
Translation: The second movement, The Ninth of January , pictures the workers' march through the streets and their slaughter.
Translation: Study score. 1906-1975. Arranged by Drew, Lucas. , Transcriber. For string orchestra. Russian.
Translation: String Quartet No. 8, Op. 110 - transcription. Cello sheet music. Violin sheet music. String Quartet No. 8, Op. 110 - transcription.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. Grade 8 Piano Anthology 1999-2000 for Piano. Published by Edition Peters. PE.P7516A. Lists A and C. selection.
Translation: Study For The Left Hand Bartok. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Piano Method. Level 3.
Translation: Composed by Edvard Grieg. 1843-1907. Arranged by James Curnow. For Concert Band.
Translation: Arranged by William J. Schinstine. For mallet duet. Grade 3-4. Set of playing scores.