Translation: Sham service, Carl. Variations on the air 'Gestern Abend war Vetter Michel da'.
Translation: "Guys go to the mountain" from the suite "Hutsul watercolors", for piano. I.Shamo.
Translation: "Vesnysnka" from "Ukrainian Suite" Clavier. I.Shamo.
Translation: Yu.Entina word "sham song Troubadour. "Where are you, a path, I brought. G. Gladkov.
Translation: "Dance Ovcharov" suite "Hutsul watercolors", for piano. I.Shamo.
Translation: "Morning in the Forest", for piano. I.Shamo.
Translation: "Osіnnє gold" in Russian. I.Shamo. and Ukr. lang. For Voice and Piano.
Translation: Song of Happiness. Shamo.
Translation: Melody Line, Lyrics.
Translation: Sam The Sham.
Translation: Sam The Sham. Sam The Sham. Lyrics.
Translation: Sam The Sham. Sam The Sham.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.