Translation: Air. Lucio Papirius dictator. Giacomelli, Geminianus.
Translation: Nice that severe.
Translation: So made that all the parts together, or either of them severally may be song to the Lute, Orpherian or Viol de gambo. Language.
Translation: Language. SAA. Commune plurimorum martyrum, antiphona ad Magnificat in I Vesperis. Transcribed from the Trent manuscripts tr89.
Translation: All plain property. Of any property plains Was originaly a song written by Hayne van Ghizeghem. in the song about the style book.
Translation: TTB. Transcribed from the “Fantasie Recercari Contrapunti a tre voci” - Gardano 1559. The coloured semibreves. minor color.
Translation: John Brassart. very recently reassigned to Baptism of the Lord. “Introitus pro Virgine” transcribed from the Trent manuscripts tr93.
Translation: Has verse anthem -like sections for B, AT, SS, ATB..
Translation: sometimes divided into men and women. should sing the Air, accompanying harmonies to be taken by the choir.
Translation: Keyboard.