Translation: Piano solo. Main sheet music. I. Drammatico. II. Allegretto. III. Andante. IV. Presto con fuoco.
Translation: Соната № 3 F. Alexander Scriabin. Alexander Vaulin. Piano Solo. 32. Legacy. Plan.
Translation: Соната № 3 F. Alexander Scriabin. Piano Solo. Pavel Lobanov. Muzyka - State Publishing House, Russia. 49.
Translation: Piano Sonata No. 3 in F-sharp minor, Op 23. Piano Solo sheet music. 1872-1915.
Translation: Соната № 3 F. Alexander Scriabin. Piano Solo.
Translation: Соната № 3 F. Alexander Scriabin. Pavel Lobanov. Muzyka - State Publishing House, Russia.
Translation: Composed by Alexander Scriabin. For Cello, Piano Accompaniment. Includes Prelude, Op. 11, No. 4.
Translation: Alexander Skryabin. For a long time it has been part of the core piano literature – and rightly so. Plan. PF.
Translation: Complete Piano Sonatas composed by Alexander Scriabin. Piano Collection. 8 3.
Translation: Sonata No.3 in f# Op.23 composed by Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin. Sheet Music.