Translation: Strathspeys, Reels, Step-Tunes .
Translation: 1615.
Translation: Sacred , Hymn. Language. SATB.
Translation: The words were modified and the tune was added by Alicia Scott in 1834. Language. English. SATB. 1672. -1748.
Translation: Plan. the best known version is probably the song usually called Cold and Raw.Written for tenor. cello used here to simulate male voice.
Translation: A cappella. Sacred , Unknown. Language. Unison. The original words to this song are attributed to Mary MacDonald entitled "Leanabh An Ãigh.
Translation: I believe the words are by Murchadh MacPharlain from the 19th century and the tune is traditional. Only medium.
Translation: This is a traditional tune, but is popularly known as "Morning Has Broken" sung by Cat Stevens. Unaccompanied solo or in chorus.
Translation: Solero. Piano Solo.
Translation: Flute, Piccolo.
Translation: 2nd Horn. 2nd Trombone.
Translation: Cimarron Music. Legacy. Tuba 2. Tuba Quartet.
Translation: Cimarron Music. Legacy. Tuba 1. Tuba Quartet.
Translation: - Euphonium BC 2. Ron Geese. Cimarron Music. Legacy. Euphonium BC 2. TC.. Tuba Quartet.