Translation: For Piano only. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Fantasy Pieces for songs by Robert Schumann, Op.124.
Translation: Spring Night. Schumann.
Translation: I dream at night your image. Schumann. cycle of love poet. Heine.
Translation: Joy stormy night. Schumann. Punch.
Translation: "Good night". "Good Night". R. Schumann. for mixed choir a-capella. it. lang.
Translation: Joy stormy night.
Translation: Spring Night.
Translation: I dream at night your image.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: , Plan. Hans Sitt. Novato Music Press. Solero. Violin. Plan.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Novato Music Press. Violin. Plan.
Translation: Joseph von Eichendorff. Novato Music Press. Voice. Plan.
Translation: On a spring night I feel so poetic, and my heart just wants to hum a tune. English. Intermediate,Early Intermediate. Solero. Voice.
Translation: Spring night. Plan. Singer Pro. Voice, range. D#4-F#5. MN0143802.
Translation: Plan. Franz Schubert.