Translation: Griitzmacher. Farewell. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Farewell to the forest.
Translation: When they parted, to singing, Op.84.
Translation: Farewell Highlander.
Translation: Farewell Alpine shepherd.
Translation: Farewell Highlander. Schumann. Burns.
Translation: Farewell Alpine shepherd. Schumann. Schiller.
Translation: When they parted, to sing. When they parted to singing composed by Robert Schumann. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. F major.
Translation: German. Solero. Voice. Plan. Was nützt die mir noch zugemess'ne Zeit. Op. 135, No. 4.
Translation: German. Solero. Voice. Plan. Ich zich' dahin, dahin. Ade, mein fröhlich Frankenland,. Op. 135, No. 1.
Translation: Novato Music Press. Solero. Voice. Plan. Ihr Matten, lebt wohl, ihr sonnigen Weiden. Op. 79, No. 22.
Translation: V. D. Nine. Novato Music Press. Voice. Plan.
Translation: When they parted, to singing. When they parted to singing composed by Robert Schumann. Choir sheet music. Intermediate. Classical.
Translation: When they parted, to singing. CHOIR. 1284 725725 to check availability. Mixed choir and woodwind.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. Piano Solo.