Translation: Kleinecke, Theodor Publisher. Plate C.F.S. 2047.
Translation: Violin. Clarinet. Violet. Cello. Plan.
Translation: Violet. Clarinet. Violin. Cello. Plan.
Translation: Cello. Clarinet. Violin. Violet. Plan.
Translation: Legacy. Clarinet in B-flat. Clarinet. Violin. Violet. Cello. Plan.
Translation: Score. Clarinet. Violin. Violet. Cello. Plan.
Translation: Violin. Violet. Cello. Plan.
Translation: For Cello, Piano, Strings, Viola, Violin, Piano Quintet. Set of Parts. 1874-1939. Score . Boosey .
Translation: Horn sheet music. Trombone sheet music. Tuba sheet music. Print on demand - publisher prints this title after order is received. S5.LC0747.
Translation: 2 CD-ROMs. Composed by Richard Wagner. 1813-1883. For Voice.
Translation: The quintet is pressed into double- and triple-duty in the latest of Kraft's Encounters. Bass Clarinet sheet music. Horn sheet music.
Translation: The quintet is pressed into double- and triple-duty in the latest of Kraft's Encounters. William Kraft. Bassoon sheet music.