Translation: Lustgarten New Teutscher Gesäng, balletti, Galliards and Intraden. Oh dear, I sing and laugh. Scores and Parts. Hassler, Hans Leo.
Translation: Madrigal "O highest treasure". Schultz, John.
Translation: Sing my love like a Fink. 5 songs to texts by Gottfried Keller, Op.29.
Translation: No.4 - Treasure Waltz.
Translation: About No.2's year, my treasure. 2 four-part male choir, Op.65.
Translation: My darling, be good to me again.
Translation: My love my Jesus is lost, GWV 1112.
Translation: Praise be to God Almighty. Harmonious songs Treasury. King, Johann Balthasar.
Translation: Power up the door. Harmonious songs Treasury. King, Johann Balthasar.
Translation: The highest treasure God himself.