Translation: Eighteen studies written to develop familiarity with the main types of scales and arpeggios in Jazz. Included are.
Translation: moved to Paris after his studies where he worked as a virtuoso Flute player and prolific composer.
Translation: A graphic, easy-to-understand fingering chart which features chromatic, major and minor scale studies.
Translation: Warm-Ups And Beyond. Sheet Music. FLT.
Translation: An invaluable source for students, Improve Your Scales. Improve Your Scales. Sheet Music. FLT.
Translation: An invaluable source for students, Improve Your Scales. FLT.
Translation: This course contains a substantial amount of playing material in solo, exercise, scale, and duet forms.
Translation: 4 - 8.
Translation: FLT.
Translation: Trevor Wye. An invaluable addition to study for all flautists. --.
Translation: Grade-appropriate scales and arpeggios linked to the repertoire through bespoke text and exercises. Accompaniment. FLT. ACC.
Translation: Grade-appropriate scales and arpeggios linked to the repertoire through bespoke text and exercises. Accompaniment. FLT.
Translation: For the flute student beginning the serious study of jazz and contemporary styles, this book will help in many ways.
Translation: Indispensable Scales, Exercises . Sets the foundation for more difficult daily study routines.