Translation: Country . Are You Washed In The Blood. Because Of Who You Are. He Will Carry You.
Translation: - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth. Everybody Sing Praise To The Lord. The Lord Is King.
Translation: Let The Lower Lights Be Burning. Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know. God Be With You Till We Meet Again.
Translation: Brand New Day. Can You Feel the Love Tonight. A Day in the Life. Don't Fear the Reaper.
Translation: Music makers can brighten the world with more than 150 gorgeous songs by the world's top songwriters and performers.
Translation: R. Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody.
Translation: The Day He Wore My Crown. His Eye Is on the Sparrow. I Saw the Light. In the Garden.
Translation: Remember the Lord. The Refiner's Fire. Through the Eyes of a Child. I Want To Be Where You Are.
Translation: At the Cross. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Because He Lives. Because Of Who You Are.
Translation: The Praise . The Praise . The notation is larger than in most standard fake books for ease of reading.
Translation: The Praise . The Praise . The collection is comb-bound so it stays open right where you want it to.
Translation: Wedding . Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Can't Take My Eyes off of You. Close to You. Fly Me to the Moon.
Translation: The Best of Singing News Collector's Edition Songbook arranged by Various. Sinner Saved by Grace. The King Is Coming.
Translation: The revised edition of this incredible mini fake book includes more than 1,200 of the absolute best songs of all time.