Translation: Ravenscroft, Thomas.
Translation: Dance Wildlife and Satyr, Op.60.
Translation: Dance of the Nymphs and Satyrs.
Translation: Dancing satyrs.
Translation: Now, by Bacchus intoxicated, Dance and leap without end. David Gillingham. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.
Translation: The novel of the Satyricon was written in 50AD by Petronius, a story of satyr and typical Roman life in the first century. S0.32265.
Translation: Satyrs Chevre Foot. Eighteen Selected Pieces composed by Francois Couperin. 1668-1733. For Harpsichord. or Piano. Original Works.
Translation: Dancing and jumping. The Elves' Dance. The Satyrs' Dance. A Round Of Three Country Dances.