Translation: This version is derived from the 1917 edition of 55 Songs and Choruses for Community Singing.
Translation: This is the first in what will eventually be a trio of songs dedicated to the moon. Leanne Daharja Veitch. Hand drum.
Translation: Oliver Hayes. Sacred , Hymn. Language. English. Original text and translations.
Translation: It is a thing most wonderful. At this table all are fed. Sacred , Hymn. Language. English.
Translation: This piece is a sort of joke. This piece is dedicated to the FDS. Michael Winikoff. A cappella. Language.
Translation: No. 7 - Night is departing, The. No. 9 - My song whall be alway thy mercy. complete. Michael Gibson Copyright.
Translation: My heart is recommended to you. Secular, Song. Language.
Translation: Matona my dear. This fact is given very well in the lyrics, which resemble exactly a strong German accent. A cappella.
Translation: Perform this African-style rhythmic number for a great cross-cultural addition to any concert or festival. Choir sheet music.