Translation: The melody is identical to the Scottish Loch Lomond , but with a different text. Traditional Irish folksong.
Translation: The melody is identical to the Irish Red is the rose , but with a different text.
Translation: This lyrical Celtic folk melody tells the story of true love lost. SATB, SAB, and SSA. ShowTrax CD also available. For Choral.
Translation: The Salley Gardens' Red, Red Rose arranged by Joseph M. Martin. Choral. 8 pages.
Translation: This anonymous Irish text is set to the beautiful Scottish melody Loch Lomond. Choir sheet music. CME Celtic Voices.
Translation: SATB a cappella. This accessible setting is ideal for building choral tone and intonation. A Cappella sheet music. Choral.
Translation: My Luve Is Like a Red, Red Rose composed by George L Mabry. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.
Translation: The timeless poetry of Robert Burns is superbly and poignantly captured in this expressive new musical setting.
Translation: The timeless poetry of Robert Burns is superbly and poignantly captured in this expressive new musical setting. Eighth.
Translation: The women respond with a setting of oMy True Love Hath My Heart and I Have His," a poem by Sir Phillip Sydney. Lloyd Alvin Pfautsch.
Translation: This is a refreshing setting of a Robert Burns text sure to lend variety and life to your next concert or contest performance.
Translation: O My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns. Arranged by Simon Carrington.
Translation: My Love is like a Red, Red Rose composed by Traditional. Beginning. Arranged by Jonathan Rathbone.
Translation: Red Rose Of Sharon. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name. Susan Naylor Callaway. Choir sheet music.
Translation: The King'singers have a following the world over for their outstanding performance of both traditional and popular songs.