Translation: English.
Translation: Plan. 3 partsongs, new compositions on traditional Indian poetry - translated into english by Laurence Hope.
Translation: No. VI from The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires.
Translation: SATB lute more. May be performed by solo S or T plus lute and. preferably. bass viol.
Translation: John Dowland. Lute , bass viol. Language. English. with lute and bass viol accompaniment.
Translation: Lute. Language. English. May be performed by. solo voice. S or T.
Translation: No. 2 from First Booke of Songs or Ayres. 1597.
Translation: Language. English.
Translation: With this bread and with this wine. Choir keyboard.
Translation: 4 song of love and death. Compositions on poems by H. Heine. , J. W. .
Translation: Go to my first love. Secular, Song.
Translation: Oncques love. Secular, Song.
Translation: Flee all love the game. Secular, Song.